January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |
January 2025 |
Jan. 21-April 29, 2025: |
Dairy Ingredients 360 Training. Virtual. Website: https://adpi.glueup.com/event/dairy-ingredients-360-training-spring-2025-semester-124877/?pk_campaign=widget-event-list. |
Jan. 27-April 14, 2025: |
CDR Certificate in Dairy Processing Course. Virtual. Website: www.cdr.wisc.edu/new-certificate-in-dairy-processing. |
February 2025 |
Feb. 18, 2025: |
IDFA Know Your Rights Webinar. Virtual. Website: www.idfa.org/events/know-your-rights-training-for-employers-employees-in-the-event-of-an-immigration-and-customs-enforcement-visit. |
Feb. 18-20, 2025: |
Dairy Products, Process & Packaging Innovation Conference. Shell Beach, California. Website: www.cdic.net/event/2025-dairy-products-process-packaging-innovation-conference/. |
Feb. 23-26, 2025: |
International Sweetener Colloquium. Palm Springs, California. Website: www.idfa.org/events/international-sweetener-colloquium. |
Feb. 24, 2025: |
Communicating With Farmers Under Stress Webinar. Virtual. Website: https://extension.psu.edu/communicating-with-farmers-under-stress-webinar. |
Feb. 24-26, 2025: |
WFF Leadership Conference. Dallas, Texas. Website: https://web.cvent.com/event/66c70a02-d4a1-4d46-a617-6130b0f9f418/summary?utm_id=LC2025&utm_medium=
Website&utm_source=WFF.org. |
Feb. 25-26, 2025: |
5P Showcase Expo. Appleton, Wisconsin. Website: https://registration.experientevent.com/showDDB252. |
Feb. 26, 2025: |
WCMA Front-Line Leadership Course Part B Track 2. Virtual. Website: www.WisCheeseMakers.org/Trainings. |
Feb. 27-28, 2025: |
USDA Agricultural Outlook Forum. Arlington, Virginia, or virtual. Website: https://reg.eventmobi.com/USDAOutlookForum2025. |
March 2025 |
March 3-4, 2025: |
NYS Cheese Manufacturers’ Association Spring Conference. Syracuse, New York. Website: https://form.jotform.com/250014710006134. |
March 3-5, 2025: |
Artisan Cheese Workshop. East Lansing, Michigan. Website: https://events.anr.msu.edu/event.cfm?eventID=
CD3CA93078E877110E20ECC18BE0F4F60C. |
March 4-6, 2025: |
U.S. Championship Cheese Contest. Green Bay, Wisconsin. Website: www.USChampionCheese.org. |
March 10-12, 2025: |
PACK EXPO Southeast. Atlanta. Website: www.packexposoutheast.com. |
March 11-12, 2025: |
Cornerstone Dairy Academy. Madison, Wisconsin. Website: https://pdpw.org/programs/. |
March 12-13, 2025: |
PDP Business Conference. Madison, Wisconsin. Website: www.pdpw.org. |
March 13, 2025: |
WCMA Front-Line Leadership Course Part C Track 1. Virtual. Website: www.WisCheeseMakers.org/Trainings. |
March 13, 2025: |
CALS Fluid Milk Processing Quality and Safety Course. Hybrid. Website: https://cals.cornell.edu/fluid-milk-quality-and-safety-registration. |
March 18, 2025: |
WCMA Front-Line Leadership Course Part C Track 2. Virtual. Website: www.WisCheeseMakers.org/Trainings. |
March 18-19, 2025: |
Hydrite Food Safety Sanitation and Membrane Training. Lubbock, Texas. Website: https://web.cvent.com/event/409a1c6e-3b25-461d-93be-6544012d3f31/summary. |
March 18-19, 2025: |
Sensory Immersive Experience: Dairy Foods. Ithaca, New York. Website: https://cals.cornell.edu/sensory-immersive-experience-dairy-foods. |
March 19, 2025: |
CDIC Buttermaking & Milk Fat Fundamentals. San Luis Obispo, California. Website: www.cdic.net/training-education/. |
March 21-23, 2025: |
California Artisan Cheese Festival. Sonoma, California. Website: https://artisancheesefestival.com/schedule/. |
March 25, 2025: |
NDFSA Dairy Blender. Rochester, New York. Website: https://form.jotform.com/250024930349149. |
March 25, 2025: |
CA Dairy Sustainability Summit. Visalia, California. Website: myaglife.com/events-cdss. |
March 25-27, 2025: |
International Pizza Expo. Las Vegas. Website: www.pizzaexpo.pizzatoday.com. |
April 2025 |
April 2-3, 2025: |
15th Microbial Challenge Testing for Food Workshop. Chicago. Website: www.foodprotection.org/events-meetings/workshops-conferences/15th-microbial-challenge-testing-for-foods/. |
April 5-17, 2025: |
PDP International Tour, Italy. TBD. Website: https://pdpw.org/programs/. |
April 15-17, 2025: |
CheeseCon 2025. Madison, Wisconsin. Website: https://cheesecon.org/. |
April 27-29, 2025: |
ADPI/ABI Joint Annual Conference. Chicago. Website: https://adpi.glueup.com/event/2025-adpi-abi-annual-conference-126182/conference-costs.html. |
April 29-30, 2025: |
Hydrite Food Safety Sanitation and Membrane Training. Jerome, Idaho. Website: https://web.cvent.com/event/4ace5be9-7270-4ae3-ae02-84a7c5b92e1a/summary. |
April 28-May 2, 2025: |
Introduction to Cheese Making Technology. Guelph, Canada. Website: https://courses.opened.uoguelph.ca/search/publicCourseSearchDetails.do?method=load&courseId=21521597. |
May 2025 |
May 1, 2025: |
Dairy Products and Processing 201. Petaluma, California. Website: www.cdic.net/training-education/. |
May 6-7, 2025: |
Hydrite Food Safety Sanitation and Membrane Training. Visalia, California. Website: https://web.cvent.com/event/3b4c2ff0-3400-4558-96b4-17f6c9c838c0/summary. |
May 13,2025: |
The Science of Yogurt and Cultured Dairy Products Course. Hybrid. Website: https://cals.cornell.edu/science-yogurt-cultured-dairy-products-basic-level-registration.
May 15, 2025: |
CWCBA Spring Meeting and Banquet. Marshfield, Wisconsin. Email pnoeldner@nasonvilledairy.com for more information. |
May 20-21, 2025: |
CDIC Frozen Desserts Course. San Luis Obispo, California. Website: www.cdic.net/training-education/. |
June 2025 |
June 1-3, 2025: |
IDDBA 2025. New Orleans. Website: www.iddba.org/iddba-show/about/registration.
June 10-12, 2025: |
GS1 Connect Conference. Nashville, Tennessee. Website: www.gs1us.org/education-and-events/events/gs1-connect/pricing. |
June 12-13, 2025: |
ACS Judging & Competition. Minneapolis, Minnesota. Website: www.cheesesociety.org/competition/judging-and-competition-2025. |
June 17-18, 2025: |
Artisanal Cheesemaking Course. San Luis Obispo, California. Website: www.cdic.net/training-education/. |
June 17-18, 2025: |
Hydrite Food Safety Sanitation and Membrane Training. Brookfield, Wisconsin. Website: https://web.cvent.com/event/d3105a1a-fa52-4254-a819-3c9272b911dd/summary. |
June 18-20, 2025: |
Global Pouch Forum. Clearwater, Florida. Website: www.packagingstrategies.com/global-pouch-forum/submit-abstract. |
June 24-26, 2025: |
HighGround Dairy Global Dairy Outlook Conference. Chicago. Website: https://marketing.highgrounddairy.com/conference. |
June 29-July 1, 2025: |
Summer Fancy Food Show. New York. Website: www.specialtyfood.com/fancy-food-shows/summer/. |
July 2025 |
July 8, 2025: |
Bruce Krupke Memorial Golf Tournament & Clambake. Bridgeport, New York. Website: https://form.jotform.com/250153620678153. |
July 14-15, 2025: |
Wisconsin Dairy Products Association Dairy Symposium. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Website: www.wdpa.net. |
July 14-16, 2025: |
IFT First Food Expo. Chicago. Website: www.iftevent.org/attend/registration. |
August 2025 |
Aug. 19-20, 2025: |
Hydrite Food Safety Sanitation and Membrane Training. Brookings, South Dakota. Website: https://web.cvent.com/event/12e97146-d576-47fe-886c-7dccac79e4f4/summary. |
Aug. 19-21, 2025: |
CDIC R&D Best Practices Course. San Luis Obispo, California. Website: www.cdic.net/training-education/. |
October 2025 |
October 7-8, 2025: |
Hydrite Food Safety Sanitation and Membrane Training. Okemos, Michigan. Website: https://web.cvent.com/event/a1fecd9d-60c3-4319-aba5-402aa050b042/summary. |
Oct. 7-8, 2025: |
Exploring Cooking & Acid-Set Cheeses. San Luis Obispo, California. Website: www.cdic.net/training-education/. |
Oct. 15-17, 2025: |
International Bird Flu Summit. Las Vegas. Website: www.birdflusummit.com. |
October 26-27, 2025: |
Pizza Expo Columbus. Columbus, Ohio. Contact boakley@pizzatoday.com for more info. |
October 28-20, 2025: |
EATS Show. Chicago. Website: www.theEATSshow.com. |
November 2025 |
Nov. 5-6, 2025: |
American Dairy XPO. Burlington, Vermont. Website: www.eurotier.com/en/press/latest-news. |
Nov. 12-13, 2025: |
Dairy Purchasing & Risk Management Seminar. Chicago. Website: www.adpi.org/events/. |
December 2025 |
Dec. 8-10, 2025: |
Dairy Ingredients Seminar. Santa Barbara, California. Website: www.adpi.org/events/. |
January 2026 |
Jan. 11-13, 2026: |
Winter Fancy Faire*. San Diego, California. Website: www.winterfancyfaire.com.
Jan. 17-19, 2027: |
Winter Fancy Faire*. San Francisco. Website: www.winterfancyfaire.com. |