January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |
April 2024 |
April 9, June 4, Oct. 15, 2024: |
WCMA Basic Safety Training for Dairy Processing Workers Course. Online. Website: www.WisCheeseMakers.org. |
May 2024 |
May 28-Dec. 2, 2024: |
MU Extension Dairy Herd Webinar. Virtual. Website: http://muext/us/SDHMS. |
September 2024 |
Sept. 28, 2024: |
The Wedge. Portland, Oregon. Website: https://thewedgeportland.com/producers-2024.
October 2024 |
Oct. 15, 2024: |
The Science of Cheese-Basic Level Course. Ithaca, N.Y. Website: https://cals.cornell.edu/science-cheese-basic-level-registration.
Oct. 15, 2024: |
WCMA FMMO Reforms Explained Webinar. Virtual. Website: www.wischeesemakersassn.org/events/wcma-webinar-oct-2024. |
Oct. 15-16, 2024: |
NASS Data Users’ Meeting. Virtual. Website: www.nass.usda.gov/Education_and_Outreach/Meeting/index.php. |
Oct. 16, 2024: |
ADPI Pulling Back the Curtain on the Dairy Supply Chain Webinar. Virtual. Website: https://adpi.glueup.com/event/webinar-pulling-back-the-curtain-on-the-dairy-supply-chain-121235/register/. |
Oct. 19-23, 2024: |
SIAL Paris. Paris, France. Website: www.sialparis.com/en/the-show/why-visit-SIAL-Paris. |
Oct. 20-23, 2024: |
2024 Joint Annual Meeting. Phoneix, Arizona. Website: https://annualmeeting.dairy.org/event/be47aeec-ebaf-47e0-8daf-0cbab8abba48/summary. |
Oct. 20-24, 2024: |
Advanced Cheesemaking Artisan Varieties. Madison, Wisconsin. Website: www.cdr.wisc.edu/new-artisan-style. |
Oct. 22, 2024: |
ACS Shaping the Future of Artisan Cheese Through Today’s Consumer Trends Webinar. Virtual. Website: https://cheese.memberclicks.net/2024-webinar-consumer-trends#!/. |
Oct. 22, 2024: |
CALS Fundamentals of Labeling. Syracuse, New York. Website: https://cals.cornell.edu/fundamentals-labeling-0. |
Oct. 22, 2024: |
WCMA Front-Line Leadership Series (Part 2 of 3). Virtual. Website: https://www.wischeesemakers.org/trainings. |
Oct. 22-24, 2024: |
IMGC Symposium. Davis, California. Website: https://site.pheedloop.com/event/IMGC2024/register#start. |
Oct. 23, 2024: |
CALS Fundamentals of Labeling. Syracuse, New York. Website: https://cals.cornell.edu/fundamentals-labeling-0. |
Oct. 23-24, 2024: |
DairyTech. Denver, Colorado. Website: https://www.dairytechconference.com. |
Oct. 24, 2024: |
WCMA Dairy Food Safety Alliance Meeting. Madison, Wisconsin. Website: https://www.wischeesemakersassn.org/events/dairy-food-safety-alliance-october-2024. |
Oct. 28-30, 2024: |
DPC Annual Conference. Madison, Wisconsin. Website: www.dairypc.org/events/annual-conference. |
Oct. 29-30, 2024: |
Dairy Plant Food Safety Workshop. Dallas, Texas. Website: www.usdairy.com/foodsafety. |
Oct. 29-30, 2024: |
Wisconsin Lab Association Fall Conference. La Crosse, Wisconsin. Website: https://wisconsinlabassociation.org/2024-fall-conference/. |
Oct. 29-31, 2024: |
Penn State Preventive Controls for Human Food Short Course. University Park, Pennsylvania. Website: https://web.cvent.com/event/8a7d1ca8-1604-42fa-a05d-a527a9745eff/summary. |
Oct. 30-31, 2024: |
PDP Business Management & Advanced Finance Workshop. Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. Website: www.pdpw.org. |
November 2024 |
Nov. 5, 2024: |
Environmental Monitoring Program Hybrid Workshop. Hybrid. Website: https://cals.cornell.edu/pathogen-environmental-monitoring-registration. |
Nov. 6, 2024: |
EWCBA Fall Convention. Menasha, Wisconsin. Email kbhenning@tm.net for more info. |
Nov. 6, 2024: |
Introduction to SOP and Techincal Writing. Virtual. Website: https://cals.cornell.edu/sop-and-technical-writing-registration. |
Nov. 6, 2024: |
WCMA Front-Line Leadership Series (Part 3 of 3). Virtual. Website: https://www.wischeesemakers.org/trainings. |
Nov. 6-7, 2024: |
ADPI Dairy Purchasing and Risk Management Seminar. Chicago. Website: www.adpi.org/events/. |
Nov. 7-9, 2024: |
DSANA Dairy Sheep Symposium. Chicago. Website:www.dsana.org/registrationform2024/#!event-register/2024/11/7/2024-dairy-sheep-symposium. |
Nov. 8, 2024: |
WCMA Front-Line Leadership Series (Part 3 of 3). Madison, Wisconsin. Website: https://www.wischeesemakers.org/trainings. |
Nov. 12-13, 2024: |
Supplier Food Safety Management Workshop. River Falls, Wisconsin. Website: www.eventbrite.com/e/innovation-center-for-us-dairy-supplier-management-food-safety-workshop-registration-949850146357. |
Nov. 12-14, 2024: |
Preventive Controls for Human Food. Virtual. Website: https://cals.cornell.edu/education/degrees-programs/fsma-preventive-controls-human-food-qualified-individual. |
Nov. 13-14, 2024: |
Financial Literacy for Dairy. Juneau, Wisconsin. Website: https://pdpw.org/programs/. |
Nov. 13-14, 2024: |
IDFA Introduction to Dairy Product Labeling Webinar Series. Virtual. Website:
/users_only/meeting/GroupRegistrationFormPublic. |
Nov. 17-19, 2024: |
PLMA Private Label Trade Show. Chicago. Website: www.plma.com/events/plmas-2024-annual-private-label-trade-show. |
Nov. 19, 2024: |
WCMA Front-Line Leadership Series (Part 3 of 3). Virtual. Website: https://www.wischeesemakers.org/trainings.
Nov. 19, 2024: |
Women in Dairy Conference. Grantsville, Pennsylvania. Website: https://extension.psu.edu/women-in-dairy-conference. |
Nov. 20, 2024: |
WCMA Advanced Leadership Series (Part 2 of 3). Virtual. Website: https://www.wischeesemakers.org/trainings. |
Nov. 20-21, 2024: |
Sustainable Agriculture Summit. Minneapolis, Minnesota. Website:www.sustainableagsummit.org/.
December 2024 |
Dec. 3-4, 2024: |
IDF Circularity in the Dairy Chain Symposium 2024. Virtual. Website: https://shop.fil-idf.org/products/registration-for-the-idf-symposium-on-circularity-in-the-dairy-chain. |
Dec. 4-6, 2024: |
Tharp and Young on Ice Cream. Orange, California. Website: www.onicecream.com/ . |
Dec. 9-11, 2024: |
ADPI Dairy Ingredients Seminar. Santa Barbara, California. Website: www.adpi.org/events/. |
Dec. 10-11, 2024: |
2024 Dairy Managers Institute. Virtual. Website: https://pdpw.org/programs/. |
January 2025 |
Jan. 14, 2025: |
WCMA Front-Line Leadership Course Part A Track 1. Virtual. Website: www.WisCheeseMakers.org/Trainings. |
Jan. 17, 2025: |
WCMA Advanced Leadership Series (Part 3 of 3). Virtual. Website: https://www.wischeesemakers.org/trainings./. |
Jan. 19-21, 2025: |
Winter Fancy Food Show/Tastemaker Conference. Los Angeles. Website: www.specialtyfood.com/fancy-food-shows/winter |
Jan. 22-23, 2025: |
The Science of RTD Milk and Coffee Beverages. Orange, California. Website: www.chapman.edu/scst/graduate/ms-food-science/milk-in-beverages-course.aspx. |
Jan. 26-29, 2025: |
Dairy Forum 2025. San Antonio, Texas. Website: www.dairyforum.com. |
Jan. 21, 2025: |
WCMA Front-Line Leadership Course Part A Track 2. Virtual. Website: www.WisCheeseMakers.org/Trainings. |
February 2025 |
Feb. 13, 2025: |
WCMA Front-Line Leadership Course Part B Track 1. Virtual. Website: www.WisCheeseMakers.org/Trainings.
Feb. 18-20, 2025: |
Dairy Products, Process & Packaging Innovation Conference. Shell Beach, California. Website: https://calpoly.irisregistration.com/Site/Dairy-Innovation-Conference-2025. |
Feb. 18-20, 2025: |
Dairy Products, Process & Packaging Innovation Conference. Shell Beach, California. Website: https://calpoly.irisregistration.com/Site/Dairy-Innovation-Conference-2024. |
Feb. 23-26, 2025: |
International Sweetener Colloquium. Palm Springs, California. Website: www.idfa.org/events/international-sweetener-colloquium. |
Feb. 26, 2025: |
WCMA Front-Line Leadership Course Part B Track 2. Virtual. Website: www.WisCheeseMakers.org/Trainings. |
March 2025 |
March 10-12, 2025: |
PACK EXPO Southeast. Atlanta. Website: www.packexposoutheast.com. |
March 11-12, 2025: |
Cornerstone Dairy Academy. Madison, Wisconsin. Website: https://pdpw.org/programs/. |
March 12-13, 2025: |
PDP Business Conference. Madison, Wisconsin. Website: www.pdpw.org. |
March 13, 2025: |
WCMA Front-Line Leadership Course Part C Track 1. Virtual. Website: www.WisCheeseMakers.org/Trainings. |
March 18, 2025: |
WCMA Front-Line Leadership Course Part C Track 2. Virtual. Website: www.WisCheeseMakers.org/Trainings. |
April 2025 |
April 5-17, 2025: |
PDP International Tour, Italy. TBD. Website: https://pdpw.org/programs/. |
June 2025 |
June 24-26, 2025: |
HighGround Dairy Global Dairy Outlook Conference. Chicago. Website: https://marketing.highgrounddairy.com/conference. |
July 2025 |
July 14-15, 2025: |
Wisconsin Dairy Products Association Dairy Symposium. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Website: www.wdpa.net. |
October 2025 |
October 28-20, 2025: |
EATS Show. Chicago. Website: www.theEATSshow.com. |